Monday, July 29, 2013


Current Book(s):
I have been really into the author Gary Thomas's books. He is a christian author and writes from a true understanding of the scriptures. I just read his "Sacred Marriage" and oh boy! Sooo good. A few excerpts from the book.. "To spiritually benefit from marriage, we have to be honest. We have to look at our disappointments, own up to ugly attitudes, and confront our selfishness." and another favorite that really hit home: "What marriage has done for me is hold up a mirror to my sin. It forces me to face myself honestly and consider my character flaws, selfishness, and anti-Christian attitudes, encouraging me to be sanctified and cleansed and to grow in godliness." I can't even explain how much I have grown in just the 5 months I've been married (okay I've grown 2".. ;) ) So much of your true inner behavior/self gets exposed & some of it is painful! Definitely thought I was a champion patient person and not a controlling wife but man.... I have surprised myself. It has inspired so much growth in me, my relationship with God, and my relationship with my husband!

He has several other books that I highly recommend. One in particular that has helped me in my ED recovery is "Every Body Matters". Rather than looking at working out to get better figure/look better, it is about cultivating stronger, well-nourished bodies that are 'instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.' "...By looking at your body as an instrument rather than an ornament, you’ll find new and compelling motivation to embrace the kind of active lifestyle that fortifies your soul." WHEW! that was a lot. If I was a bug I'd be a book worm :)

Current Music:
hmmmmmm........ I love pretty much all music! soundtracks, celtic, a lot of the hit songs lately, folk/banjo, country, etc. Lately I've been listening to more upbeat songs that are good to run to! 

Current Guilty Pleasure:
Brussels sprouts?? lol not anything to consider "guilt" worthy but perhaps gross to some. They are divine! 

Did anyone else not know they came on an amazing stalk like this?!

Current Nail Color:
Remnants of a loud red. I have a hard time painting my nails as my right hand is so undomesticated and wild when it holds nail polish! I can't get a proper grip. 

My right hand.

Current Drink:
Dunkin' Donuts "Blueberry Muffin" flavored coffee... 7-11 sells blueberry coffee and when I saw this on the shelf at Target I couldn't resist! Irresistible smell and a taste to match!

Current Food:
An everything bagel bagel-thin (note*, I choose bagel-thin vs a big bagel because I just can't handle how thick a regular bagel is!) with a slightly gooey egg... a few pieces of black-forest ham and a good ol' slice of processed cheese :) 

Current Favorite Show:
I don't have "cable" but on netflix I love watching "How I met your Mother". SO funny! and much less raunchy/more down to earth like old sitcom'sin the 90's used to be! 

Current Wish List:
For my husbands deployment to not get extended! There are rumors that his command will get sent to another part of the world for some assisting in a current event that happened, but I'm hoping they get to come home on their scheduled day back. I miss him so much :'( 

Last kiss before he deployed :(

Current needs:
My husband ;) Uhm lets see... need.... a new mattress! haha. When the hubs and I first moved into our condo we were in a bit of a rush and got a new mattress off Craigslist that was used as a display for pictures. It was super cheap which is why we got it. But so hard! oh my gosh I wake up so sore from it every morning! I always migrate to the couch downstairs and get in some R&R from my night lol.Or maybe... there is a pea under our mattress?! ;)

Does anyone remember reading that story; "The Princess and the Pea" ?

Current Indulgence:
Taking time to RELAX! laying and reading and not feeling guilty about it.

Current Blessing:
My church. I am so blessed to have such an amazing church to attend every Sunday. It has been so hard finding a church that was properly representing the Gospel. There are so many very-judgmental (but they are blind to it) Christian churches, and also so many that are way to lax in Christianity and what it is. Our pastor is wonderful, and the fellowship is awesome. We podcast/vodcast the sermons if you are interested!  
And in case you were wondering where the church name came from... :

Current Outfit:
Pajamas... yoga pants and one of the hubs green blouses for work! so comfy.

Current Excitement:
well in this very moment! Coffee is done brewing.... and spin class in a few hours! 


 Well... that concludes this post! I hope to be more sTeAdY with my posting! Thank you for all that have taken the time to read :) 
God bless!


  1. Brussel sprouts are a GREAT guilty pleasure to have :)

    Praying that your husband's deployment doesn't get extended! And hope you have a great weekend!

    1. haha I'm so glad you agree! I will take a bite of one and chew slowly trying to find a flaw in it's flavor &... yeah no they are flawless ;P lol. And thank you so much for your prayers! You have a wonderful weekend too beautiful! Thanks for giving my new blog a peek :) I always look forward to your blog & I love the heart you have for the Lord! Take care!
