Friday, August 2, 2013

What fills you up....?

In a Gospel based course I have been doing for breaking free from the slavery of an ED, it discusses how I was turning to food, filling up on it, where I should be turning to the Lord and filling up on him. He will satisfy that hole that I am (was) trying to fill with my ED behaviors. He is the only thing that will truly satisfy. We can become a slave to literally anything! Food, tv, gratification from attention, drugs, even STRESS*! (*future post on that coming soon and it is AMAZING...).  
This video below I watched in church at the beginning of the sermon a few weeks ago, and it really hit me deep ....that empty feeling is like the gas light on a car signaling you are going to run out of gas, need to fill up! And with an ED you let your gas tank go empty, you're broken down and alone.... then instead of turning to God and filling up on him, we fill up on ....Mr. ED.

"Our glorious power is from God and is not our own. We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit!..we get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going!" 2 cor. 4:7-9

What fills you up...?


  1. We try a lot of things in life to fill our voids but truly only fully satisfy. Congrats to you on jumping into the blogging world.

  2. I love this! I've been thinking a lot lately about the things I'm addicted to, and how it takes the place of my satisfaction in God. Clearly God is trying to tell me something, because this message is popping up everywhere! Thanks for sharing your insight with blogland. :)

  3. Ah, dang. This is so good. I fill up on food, affirmation from others, so many things that I know mean nothing compared to God. His love fills us like NOTHING else can!

  4. I loved this post... Thank you for that.
